vrijdag 19 juni 2009

Is it too difficult?

Is it too difficult?

Jeremiah 32:27

"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?"

Have you ever found yourself in an overwhelming or daunting situation that seemed impossible to understand or face? Is it difficult to comprehend the plan or the purpose behind what you are going through? Do you find yourself asking, “Why Lord?” Do you sometimes plead with God, “I don’t know what to do or how to do it. I need You to make it through this!” … Yeaahhh, I feel it now.

Personally, I have been in this position more times than I can count. I jump into an adventure full force thinking I have everything I need to make it happen, only to find out that I have merely a part of what is needed to do the job - not all of it. I am in over my head.

Life is sometimes like a test because we honestly believe we have it all together only to discover that some life circumstances are not on our radar and are certainly not part of the study guide. I have come to realize that these “tests” lead us to a deeper understanding of our need for God.

Luke 12:12 promises, “For the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say." I know that I am driven to seek God when I lose sight of what to do and I feel lost. He is our provider of ideas and the author of purpose in our lives - hence the word Inspiratio or inspiration.

Dear Sweet Father,
I know that You are with us at all times as the Holy Spirit gives us the thoughts and words we need to meet Your purpose for our lives. I have to admit I often I try to handle life on my own instead of trusting Your words and Your Spirit to guide me. Help me to fully rely on You, Lord, as a student in the school of life and to trust You with my “tests” knowing that I can’t “pass” without Your power and presence. Bless my Project Manager and strengthen him with Your awesome power. Thank You for loving and saving me and thank You for giving me the answers when I need them. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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